
The world of Blade & Soul boasts an array of 15 playable classes, a remarkable increase from the original 7 available at its launch. Each class can be enjoyed only by select races, adding depth and richness to the player's experience. These classes are carefully crafted with unique playstyles, abilities, and roles in combat scenarios. As you journey through Blade & Soul, you'll encounter an array of foes and challenges, each requiring a different approach.



Blade Dancer

Blade Master


Dual Blade

Force Master


Kung Fu Master


Soul Fighter




Zen Archer

Class Specializations

Each class boasts a diverse range of three distinct specializations, each characterized by unique skills and playstyles. These specializations come with their own set of talents, empowering you to tailor your character to your personal preferences. Please refer to the individual class pages to explore the available specializations for your chosen class. Note that a few of the "third specializations" are still in development.


Crowd Controls

Crowd control (CC) refers to a state in which an enemy is rendered immobile and unable to perform actions. The two most common forms of CC are stuns and knockdowns. While the specific requirements for inflicting CC vary, all classes possess the ability to apply them. Additionally, some classes have unique CC abilities, such as restraints, pulls, and freezes, that are exclusive to them.

In group content, effective coordination is essential. Players can combine CC abilities to execute joint techniques, which fill the bars located beneath the boss's health bar. Each character's contribution to a joint technique is indicated by a specific color: blue for stun, green for knockdown, and red for daze.


Current and past Demonsbane bosses possess a Break meter, visible below their HP bar. By using designated skills, players can gradually fill up the boss's Break meter. Different specializations contribute to Break at varying rates, and some bosses are naturally more susceptible to Break than others.

Once a boss has reached its Break threshold, it will endure increased damage for a set duration. However, the duration of Break varies significantly between bosses. A shorter Break duration typically indicates a more significant damage boost, while a longer Break duration implies a reduced damage increase.

Martial Tome

The Martial Tome (K) serves as a compendium of your skills and talents. Within its pages, you can enhance specific abilities by allocating Skill Enhancement Points. To unlock the talent system, you must meet two prerequisites: reaching level 60 - HM7 and completing the Awakening quest, Legacy of the Hongmoon Clan. Upon fulfillment of these requirements, each class gains access to a selection of specializations, each offering five unique talents. These talents, totaling 15 per specialization, provide enhanced functionalities for specific abilities, offering a multitude of customization options to elevate your gameplay experience.

Revisions to the Martial Tome

Skill Trees: January 2016 — April 2017

The skill tree system was the first implemented into the game, and as the name implies, each skill could be enhanced by selecting different routes.

While it was the game's first skill system, it also provided the highest level of customization. As you progressed and acquired more knowledge, you gained the ability to tailor your skills. Additionally, each level up granted a skill point that could be allocated to enhance your abilities. The skill tree, found in your Martial Tome, presented a range of options for each skill, enabling you to increase its potency or specialize it in various ways.

Skill Moves: April 2017 — March 2019

With the April 2017 update, the skill system underwent a significant overhaul, resulting in a more polished and user-friendly experience. Skill trees and skill points were completely eliminated, making way for a streamlined and intuitive approach. Instead, six distinct Elements were introduced: Flame, Wind, Lightning, Shadow, Frost, and Earth. Each class was restricted to wielding only two of these Elements.

Once players selected their preferred Element, a range of options became available for customizing their skills. For example, as a Blade Master, you were presented with a choice between two paths: the Flame build or the Lightning build. This choice determined the set of unlocked skills at your disposal. Additionally, to further enhance your selected skills, corresponding Moves could be chosen, enabling you to optimize your character's capabilities.

Class Specializations: March 2019 — Present

In March 2019, the Awakening update was released, where each class can select between two or three Specializations. The class specializations replaced the previous six Elements. In each Specialization, a total of 15 different Talents are available, where you select one Talent per row. Each Talent can enable new skills or alter the functionality of some skills.

The new Specializations bear some resemblance to the old class elements, such as the similarity between the new Scourge Warlock and its predecessor, the Shadow Warlock.