
Below your minimap lies a world of opportunities waiting to be explored: the Challenge system. This system offers two types of challenges: Daily and Weekly, each offering its unique benefits. By conquering each challenge, you'll earn valuable treasures like Reputation and upgrade materials to assist you on your journey.

The Daily Quests refresh at 3 PM UTC.

No need for concern if you miss a Daily Challenge - you can still enjoy the rewards through Rest Rewards. Gather these benefits for up to two days and claim them by completing a Daily Challenge.

Unlike the daily renewal of Daily Challenges, the Weekly Challenges are a once-a-week endeavor. These demanding missions reset concurrently with the Daily Quests but specifically on Tuesdays.

Daily & Weekly Challenges

Daily Challenge

Weekly Challenge

A Masterful Task

Ruler of the Realms

Carve Out Your Own Legend

Endless Conflict

Favor and Fortune